
  • Noncommutative Shapes, a conference in honour of Michel Van den Bergh. September 12-16, 2022. University of Antwerp, Belgium.


5’ Gong show - “An equivalence of derived deformations” at Workshop: Hochschild (Co)homology and Applications. April 17, 2024. MFO, Oberwolfach, Germany.

Poster Presentations

“An equivalence of derived deformations” at 

  • The Belgian Mathematical Society PhD Day. May 24, 2024. 
              University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium. 
              Best poster award.

  • Introductory Workshop: Noncommutative Algebraic
              Geometry. Feb 5, 2024. SLMath (formerly MSRI),
              Berkeley, California, United States. 

Reading Seminars

“Deformations of categories of coherent sheaves via quivers with relations”, by S. Barmeier & Z. Wang. Fall 2023. Together with Alessandro Lehmann, Arne Mertens, Carl Philipp Mazzanti, Lander Hermans and Violeta Borges Marques.

“Deformation Theory: Lecture Notes”, by M. Doubek, M. Markl, P. Zima. Spring 2023. Together with Alessandro Lehmann, Arne Mertens, Lander Hermans and Violeta Borges Marques.